Posted on 5/20/2015

Shocks and struts are two very similar parts that serve similar purposes. Both shocks and struts absorb the bumps in the road and keep the tires of the vehicle on the ground, creating a smoother ride. A car without shocks or struts would bounce all over the road and be nearly undrivable, as well as dangerous. Shock Absorbers Shocks are the oldest form of suspension still used today. They are similar to pistons - tubes filled with hydraulic fluid or gas with a rod inside, connected to the chassis of the car. When the car rolls over a bump, the piston forces the air or fluid through the tube. Only a limited amount of fluid or air can move at a time, which, combined with springs, resists vehicle movement and prevents the chassis of the car from bouncing rapidly. Struts Struts are the evolved version of shocks. They are a component that combines the spring with a shock absorber to reduce production costs and simplify construction. Struts also se ... read more