Posted on 3/17/2015

After March 1, 2015 Texans will be begin seeing fewer vehicles with two stickers on the windshield. This will be due to a new law that is eliminating inspection stickers. “Two Steps, One Sticker” refers to this new law, but it does not mean that you will no longer have to get your vehicle inspected, nor does it mean you’ll no longer have to shell out nearly $40 (as of the date of this article) to get your vehicle inspected. Passing vehicle inspections are still going to be required to keep your car on the road in the state of Texas, and the fee to do so is not being changed by the new one sticker law. The law is simply requiring you to have a passing inspection before you can renew your vehicle registration. Then your registration sticker will serve as proof of both your registration and your passing vehicle inspection. “Two Steps One Sticker”: What are the two steps? Step 1: From March 1, 2015 through February 29, 2016: If your vehicle has a current and passing inspe ... read more